Friday, July 11, 2008

Open Letter to the Indie Industry... Unite or Die!

Folks, I’ve noticed something recently- less bands are touring, mom & pop record shops are closing down and college radio’s losing their listening base. It’s not rocket science to figure out why- as a matter of fact it may be summed up in 2 words- iPods & Gas. However, it’s a lot more complicated than that.

Our indie scene wasn’t built by fat lazy couch potatoes or jocks. It was built by the blood, sweat & tears of music lovers for music lovers. Indie fans are not convenience shoppers or wal-mart lackeys. They stick to their guns in supporting causes, independent artists and local shops. The trick to gaining their support is, you gotta be with it.

So what are we doing wrong as independent record labels, college radio station/program directors and record shop owners in our role of bringing good music to the indie masses?

I believe at the end of the day that we must first blame ourselves for either being too complacent or stubborn to embrace new invigorating ways to inspire fellow music lovers. Be it college radio events or in-store shows to even record release parties. Where are all the pot lucks and dance parties at? Where are the house shows and charity events? Yes folks, we, the once respected white knights of the independent scene are dropping the ball by not doing more for our scenes.

Blaming the economy, gas and ipods isn’t going to help our current situation. It seems to me that in the process of blaming other factors for our short-comings and the inaction of creating new trends in the music scene WE’VE taken our eye off the ball. WE’VE then lost the merits that brought us to our positions in our respected scenes. WE NEED TO FIX THIS NOW.

With that said, Livid Records is looking to spearhead a co-op network of fellow labels, college radio stations, independent record shops and promoters to establish a foot clan of new indie goodness. My vision of this network covers everything from embracing new technology, trading records, setting tour support and even partnering on print ads, etc. If you're interested in getting in on this dance party that is being in the indie “biz” then hit me up at

Thanks for your time,
Charles Furment
Livid Records

*Taken From Livid Records Newsletter No.2 Vol.1.
Photo Credit- interrupt

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